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If you have painful arthritis isolated to only one “compartment” or side of your knee, your active lifestyle can be greatly affected.

Generally, conservative treatments such as medications, injections, braces and physical therapy can be helpful for many patients and will be tried first by the surgeons at Renovation Ortho. However, if conservative measures are no longer helpful, a partial knee replacement may be the best procedure for you. In the past, partial knee replacement was more unpredictable, because the placement of implants had to be done manually.


Now, with the advanced MAKOplasty technology, Dr. Galat uses a computer generated image obtained from a CT scan of your knee prior to surgery, which is then correlated with exact anatomic landmarks on your knee during surgery. This allows Dr. Galat to plan the perfect size and position of your partial knee implants to fit your unique anatomy, so that the knee is well balanced throughout range of motion. The robotic arm then assists Dr. Galat in precisely preparing the bone surfaces onto which the implants are fixed. Robotic assisted partial knee replacement allows for a less invasive procedure which translates to less pain after surgery, and a quicker recovery. If you have painful arthritis in your knee, call for a private consultation to see if robotic assisted partial knee replacement may be right for you.

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